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A History of Zero Waste USA

GrassRoots Recycling Network
Zero Waste USA was formed in 1996 as the GrassRoots Recycling Network. Dedicated to achieving a sustainable economy based on the principle of Zero Waste. Advocating for corporate responsibility for waste, government policies for resource conservation, and sustainable jobs from discards. A founding organization of the Zero Waste International Alliance

Zero Waste International Alliance
GRRN co-founded the Zero Waste International Alliance in 2003 and became a National Affiliate for recognition and certification.

Zero Waste USA
GRRN became Zero Waste USA in 2014 to align with our peer organizations around the world, including Alianza Uruguay Basura Cero, Alianza Zero Waste Costa Rica, Instituto Lixo Zero Brasil, Zero Waste Canada, and Zero Waste Network Aotearoa).
Inspiring communities across the country to embrace and achieve Zero Waste
Promoting Zero Waste around the world through training, recognition, and advocacy

Zero Waste USA Today
Zero Waste USA adopts a new logo and continues the mission.
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Ruth Abbe

About Ruth
Ruth Abbe is president of Zero Waste USA and a Zero Waste practitioner with more than 25 years of experience in recycling and composting program and facility development and outreach and technical assistance. As president of Zero Waste USA, she is working with municipalities across the U.S. to develop the social and physical infrastructure to achieve Zero Waste. She has expertise in organics and commercial technical assistance, waste audits, facility and collection procurement, contract negotiation, program planning, financial analysis and stakeholder engagement.

Richard Anthony
Vice President

About Rick
Richard V. Anthony is the vice president of Zero Waste USA and the president of the Zero Waste International Alliance. He began his career in Public Administration in 1971 as a manager of the California State University Long Beach Recycling Center. He is an internationally recognized and published expert in the area of Resource Management using the Zero Waste Systems approach. Richard Anthony is a founder and member of the Board of Directors of the California Resource Recovery Association, the Grassroots Recycling Network, the Zero Waste International Alliance, the USA National Recycling Coalition.

Monica Wilson

About Monica
Monica Wilson is the secretary/treasurer for Zero Waste USA and Associate Director of GAIA U.S. and Global Programs Coordinator. Monica has worked with GAIA since 2002 and served as GAIA’s International Co-Coordinator for five years. In 2012 she was honored to be named by the California Resource Recovery Association as “Recycler of the Year” together with GAIA’s US & Canada Program for achievement in the field. Monica is based in GAIA’s Berkeley, U.S. office.
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Laura Anthony
Program Manager, Save the Albatross Coalition

About Laura
Laura Anthony is the program manager of the Save the Albatross Coalition. She is a 2nd generation zero waste community organizer. She is founder and current president of Zero Waste San Diego, a Zero Waste USA affiliate. Laura started the San Diego Fixit Clinic, a chapter of the Fixit Clinics established by Peter Mui in Berkeley, CA. She has hosted over 100 clinics throughout the county of San Diego and helped repair over 3000 lbs. of reusable items that would have otherwise gone to the landfill.

Christienne de Tournay
Instructor, Conference Program Co-Chair

About Chrise
Chrise is an instructor in Zero Waste and the National Zero Waste Conference program co-chair. She is an independent Zero Waste specialist, educator, and advocate. As the Zero Waste Commission’s Chair, she designed and facilitated the public outreach and input-gathering efforts for the City of Berkeley’s 2019 landmark Single-Use Disposable Food Ware & Litter Reduction Ordinance.

Jeremy Drake
Conference Program Co-Chair

About Jeremy
Jeremy Drake is an instructor in Zero Waste and the National Zero Waste Conference program co-chair. He is a Zero Waste consultant with over 10 years of experience in community planning, program planning and implementation, stakeholder engagement, and education. Jeremy was the lead author of the Missoula ZERO by FIFTY Zero Waste Plan and facilitated a Zero Waste planning process with Missoula County Public Schools culminating in a strategic action plan. He is now assisting with the expansion of Zero Waste programs across all schools and operational sites.

Gary Liss
Instructor, Cornucopia Project Manager

About Gary
Gary Liss is an instructor in Zero Waste and a leader in Zero Waste for communities. He has over 45 years’ of experience in recycling, is a leading advocate of Zero Waste, and has worked on more Zero Waste Plans than anyone else in the U.S. He was Solid Waste Program Manager for the City of San Jose and Executive Director of the California Resource Recovery Association. He is an assessor for the TRUE Zero Waste Rating System of GBCI and a USGBC TRUE Advisor.

Neil Seldman
Cornucopia Program Manager

About Neil
Neil Seldman is the program manager for the Zero Waste USA Cornucopia Project. He is a Zero Waste advocate with extensive experience in the field. He co-founded the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and served as their Director of its Waste to Wealth Initiative for 48 years. He also co-founded the National Recycling Coalition, GRRN/Zero Waste USA, Zero Waste International Association and the Save the Albatross Coalition.

Portia Sinnott
Development Director

About Portia
Portia Sinnott is the development director for Zero Waste USA. A Zero Waste advocate consultant, Portia Sinnott enjoys leading and taking part in a wide variety of projects. A former president of the Northern California Recycling Association, she now serves as its executive director. Portia collects data on Zero Waste initiatives, convenes brainstorms, large meetings and a wide variety of projects focused on the transition to a world without waste.

Chris Sparnicht
COOLNow Program Manager, IT Wizard

About Chris
Chris Sparnicht is the program manager for the COOLNow (Compostable Organics Out of Landfill and Incinerators Now) Campaign and provides technical support through his Laughter On Water web consultancy. He manages the GreenYes Google Group listserve for Zero Waste USA. A Certified Zero Waste Associate, Chris has been helping environmental and citizen-science nonprofits throughout the US and Canada for over 20 years with graphical, video, IT and website challenges.

Dennis Uyat
Conference Program Co-Chair

About Dennis
Dennis Uyat (they/them) is a mentor in Zero Waste education and a leader in Zero Waste for communities. Dennis is an environmental educator and consultant whose work centers Zero Waste and environmental justice. Professionally, they provide technical assistance, outreach, and education to public agencies, universities, schools, businesses, and nonprofits. Dennis serves on the program committee for the National Zero Waste conference.

Amanda Rice Waddle
Instructor, Education and Affiliation Program Manager

About Amanda
Amanda is the Education and Affiliation Program Manager and Instructor for Zero Waste USA. She is also a Zero Waste consultant working with communities to build their Zero Waste Master Plans. Amanda lives in Gainesville, FL and has been instrumental in getting Gainesville and Alachua County on the path to Zero Waste through her work as Director of Zero Waste at The Repurpose Project and Zero Waste Gainesville.
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Paul Connett
Binghamton, NY

About Paul
Paul Connett is the author of “The Zero Waste Solution”, International Zero Waste Advocate and former chemistry Professor, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY. For the past 36 years, Paul has given over 3,000 pro-bono public presentations on incineration and waste management in 49 US states, 7 Canadian provinces and 69 other countries. Paul has co-authored 6 peer reviewed and published papers on dioxin and co-produced over 50 videos on waste issues. He is the author of The Zero Waste Solution: Untrashing the Planet One Community at a Time.

Wynne Coplea
Springfield, IL

About Wynne
Wynne Coplea is a past-president for the Illinois Recycling Association and has worked for over 20 years in recycling and recycling education at several levels of government. She developed an online curriculum for Sustainable Resource Management, and taught Environmental Education at the University of Illinois, Springfield. Wynne started, a consulting business providing assistance with the development of “green teams”and sustainability efforts for small business and non-profit organizations.

Kevin Drew
São Paulo, Brazil

About Kevin
Kevin Drew is the former Senior Zero Waste Specialist for the City of San Francisco with 35 years’ experience in the field. He led the City efforts to sequester carbon through the use of City generated organics. This will create compost and treat soils in the surrounding “food-shed” to grow critical agricultural products in a healthy and regenerative manner while building soil carbon, increasing water holding capacity, and creating safe, community-friendly jobs and businesses. Kevin advises the COOLNow (Compostable Organics Out of Landfill and Incinerators Now) Campaign.

Bob Gedert
Cincinatti, OH

About Bob
Bob Gedert is the past-president of the National Recycling Coalition. Bob is a Cincinnati-based consultant with 40+ years of experience in guiding communities toward sustainable materials management through a systems approach, bridging recycling best practices and sustainability toward local circular economies. Previously, he served as department director of Austin Resource Recovery, leading the city toward zero waste goals. He has experience in building local economic development practices with zero waste goals through private-public partnerships that utilize local markets for recyclables through innovative entrepreneurships and collaborative business networks.

John Harder
Kauai, HI

About John
John Harder is a Berkeley dropout who came to Kaua‘i in 1969. In the 80’s, he finally found his true calling, Solid Waste Management, and became Kauai County’s first Solid Waste Coordinator. In 1991 he was chosen to head the Office of Solid Waste Management in Honolulu. Returning to Kauai in 2006 he helped found Zero Waste Kauai, a local non-profit advocating sustainable Solid Waste Management practices. John probably knows more about Solid Waste Management than most people care to think about, and Composting is his favorite subject.

Susan Hubbard
Minneapolis, MN

About Susan
Susan Hubbard brings unique expertise in planning and operations of community based Zero Waste programs. Susan was a founder and CEO of Eureka Recycling, one of the country’s leading Zero Waste organizations. Committed to waste reduction as the key strategy of authentic Zero Waste, she has for over 30 years, demonstrated success working in collaborative partnerships with individuals, governments, nonprofits, schools/universities, and businesses on innovative programs.

Dan Knapp
Berkeley, CA

About Dan
Dan Knapp is founder of Urban Ore (Berkeley, CA) and a leader in the practical development of recycling, composting and reuse enterprises. He is a sociologist who was listed in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering for his development of 12 Master Categories of Discarded Resources.

Leslie Lukacs
Windsor, CA

About Leslie
Leslie Lukacs is the Executive Director of Zero Waste Sonoma formally known as the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. Leslie has worked over 20 years in the solid waste and resource management industry and, prior, was the Director of Zero Waste at SCS Engineers for 13 years. She is the founder of stakeholder groups including the (GIVE) Council, Compost Coalition of Sonoma County, Sonoma County Zero Waste Task Force, and the Zero Waste North Bay Symposium.

Charles Moore
Long Beach, CA

About Charlie
Charles Moore is the Captain of Oceanographic Research Vessel Alguita, and the founder of three NGOs: Algalita Marine Research and Education, Long Beach Organic and the Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research. In 1999, he became the first researcher to sample plastics floating in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and wrote about marine plastic pollution in his book Plastic Ocean. He continues to conduct research aboard ORV Alguita, and analyzes plastics at the Moore Institute, publishing in scientific journals, and lecturing worldwide on the plastic plague infecting earth’s biosphere. Charlie advises the Save the Albatross Coalition.

Amy Perlmutter
Cambridge, MA

About Amy
Amy Perlmutter has over thirty-five years of professional experience conceiving, developing and administering new programs and policies in the environmental field, primarily related to waste reduction and recycling and less-toxic chemistry. Amy’s expertise includes strategy and strategic planning, multi-sector communication and partnership building, program design and implementation, mentoring, and design and facilitation of stakeholder engagements.
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